Luna Moth (Actias luna) This large pale green, swallowtailed moth with a clear window eyespot in the front and hind wings makes this one of the most beautiful saturniid moths, much prized by amateur collectors The wing span is about four inches Figure 7 Luna moth The caterpillar is about three inches long and Like each Moth, Luna Moths are the ones that place their eggs on the leaves of the trees on which the caterpillars will feed on Female luna moths will lay nearly eggs during their shorter lifespan The eggs nurture for a week or Luna moths, especially large larvae and adults, are highvalue targets for insectivores Therefore, luna moths have evolved remarkable adaptations to foil predators The caterpillars are light green, matching the color of the leaves they feed on But when they sense a predator about to strike, the caterpillars abandon attempts at concealment Green Caterpillar Identification Guide 18 Common Types Owlcation Luna moth caterpillar stages